Today, I want to give you 10 ways to turn your Facebook business strategy into a lead acquisition strategy that will begin branding you as an expert while building your business. These tactics have been proven as a solid foundation for Facebook business development, and when applied with the commitment and mindset we have spoken of in previous posts, will give you a solid marketing strategy for your business.
Facebook Business Strategy #1: Make sure you log in daily.
This may seem like a “no-brainer”, but it is amazing how many people are trying to use a Facebook marketing strategy and yet do not stay focused on building their content and their page daily. Be sure you are not only logging in to check the status of your page and post content, but that you are also taking the time to answer any questions or comments being made on your posts, thus showing that you are engaged in what people have to say.
Facebook Business Strategy #2: Respond to all emails and engage people in conversation.
Pretty much a repeat of #1 as far as your Facebook marketing strategy goes. After all, how can you build a business without talking to people? 😉
Facebook Business Strategy #3: Post a status update on your fan page as your fan page persona.
There are a few different caveats to this Facebook marketing strategy. The first is that you should post up to 10 times daily. This is a lot if you are just starting out, so I would recommend that if you are unsure what to post or how to start this process, shoot for a range of 3-5 posts daily to build your content and get the hang of being this active on your wall. Use of the Facebook Scheduler is helpful in these situations, as it allows you the freedom of time management concurrently with your Facebook business development. Posts in this category should be based on value. NO pitching!
Facebook Business Strategy #4: Consider promoting your posts through Facebook advertising.
Here is where you can use the general Facebook marketing strategy and pay to advertise a particular value post to a certain range of people. I won’t go into the full details of Facebook advertising in this post (or else it will be much longer than it already is), but I will say that Facebook does a great job allowing you to tailor your posts to reach a certain type of person in situations like this (remember the “perfect prospect”?) and thus can be very helpful with your Facebook business development.
Facebook Business Strategy #5: Check your Facebook ads DAILY.
You cannot simply utilize this Facebook marketing strategy as a “one and done” type of offer. Facebook ads should be assessed and reviewed to ensure they are working to your benefit and not just throwing money out the door. You will also want to see which of your ads is working properly so as to duplicate that process and build your lead acquisition.
Facebook Business Strategy #6: Pick 5 other Facebook fan pages that are in your niche market and follow/interact with them as your Facebook business persona.
When you are looking into other niche pages, you are looking to interact with people who meet the characteristics of your “perfect prospect”. These people typically comment on posts that you may find attractive or which may resonate with you. This is also a good place to find content that may spark ideas and value you can then post about in your own business page.
Facebook Business Strategy #7: Reach out to 5-10 people every day and network.
This is networking at its finest, and is one of the toughest parts of this Facebook marketing strategy. When you are looking to reach out to people, you should be doing so with the goal of helping them. You do NOT lead with your opportunity or to make a sale, but rather to build a relationship. Leading by discussing similarities and being genuinely interested in their comments is helpful.
Facebook Business Strategy #8: Be a presence in 2-3 groups in your niche market.
Here is where you should be picky about the groups you want to be associated with and with whom you want to build your Facebook marketing strategy. Unfortunately for most network marketers, several of these group pages in our niche market are full of spammers and generally distasteful content. Be adamant about finding your “perfect prospect” and follow the groups that will lead you to them as part of your Facebook business development.
Facebook Business Strategy #9: Don’t randomly request friends.
Facebook jail is a real thing, and they are cracking down on the random friend requests as well as any unanswered messages inside Facebook messenger. While you are often notified when you are breaking Facebook rules, penalties can include anything from suspension from using Facebook for a period of time to full banishment from the site. Neither of these are good for business, so be sure that when you are reaching out to people as part of your Facebook business development, that you are playing by the rules in the eyes of the Facebook gods.
Facebook Business Strategy #10: Focus on your engagement and building your list of lead acquisitions.
This is your #1 goal with your Facebook marketing strategy (or any marketing strategy for that matter) and should always be the #1 focus in your business. Be committed and stay focused on building your business and achieving the goals you established in this industry.
See you on Facebook!