Is your SMS marketing strategy doing your business any good? Read through this article to get top tips on making your marketing strategy effective.
Mobile marketing is extremely effective, if it is done right. It is used for a variety of reasons; these include bulk SMS, offers, coupons, sales increase, event awareness etc. It is a very cost effective as compared to other forms of marketing. That’s why most marketers are looking to the direction of SMS marketing. Sometimes marketers fail to realize, that by just devising a marketing plan and implementing it does not warrant it absolute effectiveness. Depending on the objective and goals intended for the strategy, proper setting and planning should come first if results are to be achieved. Take a look at this website.This article takes you through some top tips to ensuring that your SMS marketing plan is as effective as it should be.
Fundamental Tips On To Make Your SMS Marketing
Have an objective
A marketing objective is simply what it is you want to achieve with a marketing plan. In this case you identify and what is the aim of that SMS. Ensure you create a message that will send out information that the business intended to reach to the consumers. If it is an event reminder, a review about a product, a current offer on certain products or services; make sure that the right message is delivered to the consumer so that the right feedback is also achieved.
Remain proper
Text messaging is not a limited exercise. It is performed by many people in different age brackets. However when it comes to marketing using text messages some limitations apply. Proper use of language should be considered. Avoid the use of slang or any other inappropriate language. You don’t want to sound like a teenager when communicating to middle aged consumers. Good sentence structure, punctuation and word sensitivity is key to achieve effectiveness with SMS marketing. Another important thing that many people fail to consider; is that not every person in your market group is acquainted with short messages service abbreviations. So whenever you are creating a marketing message limit yourself to the standardized abbreviations. Again don’t make it too much of a necessity in your message, whereby there is an abbreviation in each and every sentence, it makes the message lose its meaning and sense.
Be precise
A text message is something that one should read and get the point clearly without having to read and re-read a bunch of words in order to capture what it is they should capture. In short, always be on point. State the message clearly. Avoid using many sentences where one word would have been enough. Give your customers the ease of getting the message without putting so much effort into it. It is all about effectiveness and by beating around the bush you not only risk being irrelevant but also risk losing that potential customer. Also be keen on stress points, even if it means putting them in bold or capital letters, as long as the stress point is brought out as it should then you can press the send button comfortably.
Consider your timing
As much as mobile phones can be carried anywhere and at any time, it does not mean that you can just bombard the screens of customers with messages at 3 am. Come on! This is inappropriate. Consider the timing of your message. Don’t let customers grin on their screens whenever you send them a marketing messages, they probably might not even read it. This will put you a step back to what you would have achieved. Again time rightly, it is imperative. Personally I like to go through my messages in the afternoon. And over the weekends I can be glued to my screen the whole day. Technically, times when you think your consumers are likely to be more responsive are the best for sending them those messages.
Be creative and smart with your texts
You want results, profits and a change to the way things are in your business? This does not come easy, you have to put effort and probably make little sacrifices. With this I mean it wouldn’t hurt if you include a little incentive in your message. For example if you are marketing a product, then you can add as a requirement that there will be a certain percentage let’s say 10% discount on purchases if you reply with the product keyword to the number. Include mobile accessible links in your messages, social networks to keep your customers engaged and integrated. Asking them to share or forward the messages to other people in their contacts list or on their social media pages could definitely drive traffic to your business doors. You can also make this interesting by including your contacts if you want immediate action.
Explore other messaging alternatives
Being too traditional can be somewhat boring at times. It does not have to be plain text. Make the text attractive by including images and even videos. A catchy caption with a video will make the recipient so curious to know what it is all about.
Generally, the marketing solution you opt for your business should bring effectiveness as a number one result. Explore all given possible to ensure that you meet the market expectations. Let the content be all about who and what you are (not your life history though). Customers should be able to have a lasting impression with the type of SMS you send them. In turn it should also create a memorable customer experience to them. As indicated earlier text SMS marketing is a very effective mobile marketing solution as it brings about immediate feedback, it is easy, fast cheap and most importantly efficient. Mobile marketing is the way to go for any upcoming or established business. It is the best ways to get consumers know that your products exist. Only best means of making them aware of your services and wooing them to your direction. Take advantage of what technology has brought forth by adopting text SMS marketing as your immediate marketing solution.