How Cosmetics Businesses can Export their Products to Indonesia

Consumer demand for beauty and personal care products continues to rise. Sales of $7,458 million are expected in 2021, with the industry growing at a 6.46 percent annual rate (CAGR 2021-25).

The Indonesian cosmetics sector has a lot of potential to attract international investors.

The success of the cosmetics industry may be gauged by the spending power of women, who remain the principal consumers. In Indonesia, the gender wage gap has shrunk to 23% as of February 2020.

Sovereign Department Instruments (SCI) investors are the biggest buyers of retail government bonds, which help pay for the Indonesian government’s budget.

Just one more indicator that Indonesian women are on the verge of financial self-sufficiency.

Indonesian Cosmetic Product Registration


Cosmetics in Indonesia must fulfill the following requirements to be registered:

  • The Indonesian National Standards (SNI) of testing must be satisfied by all cosmetic goods in Indonesia. Concerns about microorganisms, the presence of heavy metals, and the presence of things that aren’t allowed must be dealt with.
  • Cosmetics must fulfill stringent safety, benefit, labeling, and quality standards before they may be sold. According to Indonesia’s Codex Cosmetics and other national standards, they are prohibited.
  • In Indonesia, all cosmetics must follow a strict set of rules that cover everything from how they are labeled to how they are packaged to how they are advertised.
  • For legal reasons, all items must have their labels translated into Bahasa Indonesian. The accuracy of all directions uses, and warnings depend on their translation.

The Process

To register a cosmetic product, follow these steps:

  1. Only legitimate Indonesian enterprises are permitted to register cosmetics. Both manufacturers and distributors and importers must register with the government.
  2. Therefore, we recommend that you register your items under a third party, which gives you more freedom and the ability to work with many local distributors at the same time without having to go through any lengthy or cumbersome paperwork processes.
  3. In order to get your firm’s first user ID and password, you must submit an online form to the Indonesian Food and Drug Authority (Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan, BPOM) E-application with the appropriate supporting papers after you’ve determined which company to utilize for product registration.
  4. As long as the applicant’s information hasn’t changed, this application may be completed once. If any of the information about your business changes, you must file a data change notice or a readmission request.

Whats Next?

Once your business has been approved by BPOM Indonesia, you may begin the product registration procedure by following these steps:

  • Document Preparation: You’ll need to put together a set of documentation for each product you’re selling.
  • Product Submission: Each product you wish to register will require you to submit and get a notice from BPOM.
  • Payment: A Bill to the BPOM Each product registration fee will be collected by BPOM.
  • The BPOM will send you a notification. Regularly, BPOM will notify you that your money has been received within two weeks. You will be able to import your goods into Indonesia after it has been granted. If you want to prolong the notification’s validity, you may do so.

The registration process might take anything from a few weeks to a few months.