Employee Satisfaction and the Impact of a Mentoring Program

A professionally-run employee mentoring program has become the latest must-do for serious businesses that want to attract the best talent in their industry. Not only does a mentoring program make an attractive perk for securing the attention of highly-motivated job applicants, but it can often provide additional advantages to both the business that creates one and the people who work in the program. How can a mentoring program effectively foster teamwork and promote internal productivity? How can successful mentoring practices be applied at your organization? How do you create an effective mentoring program? 

Before launching a mentoring program, you first need to identify its specific goals. Goals can range from increasing sales and reducing cost to achieving greater organizational effectiveness and reaching business goals faster. You will also need to determine when the program should start and what specific goals to consider. Next, you will need to create a matching program based on the goal set and the desired demographics of potential participants. 

Your program needs to have measurable goals. These should be clearly defined in the application process. You should also conduct periodic re-evaluations to ensure that your mentoring programs are still effective, in terms of reaching the desired goals and ensuring a sense of urgency to participants. The following tips will help you assess the success of your programs. 

First, the program needs to have effective metrics to assess success. Use a standardized tool such as the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to assess key metrics such as satisfaction with mentoring program participation, involvement in employee activities, and transfer of knowledge and skills. Second, make sure that all aspects of the program are understood by your mentee. If your mentee is new to a specific business or industry, explain your expectations openly and in a clear and easy to understand manner. If you are hiring an outside firm to implement your mentoring program, then ask them to provide training for all team members. 

Lastly, make sure that your mentorship program builds strong leadership qualities. This includes your willingness to help your new employee to grow and develop into an effective leader. Mentoring is not just about providing information and guidance; it is also about encouraging your new employee to become a valuable member of your organization. Encourage your new employee to take ownership for their decisions and provide feedback when necessary. Show your interest in learning about the strengths and weaknesses of your new leader and share your ideas with him. It is important that he knows that he is not only doing well, but that he is someone who has a voice and can be counted on in times of trouble. 

Empowerment through mentoring programs is crucial in employee satisfaction and overall organizational growth. When employees feel that they are respected and are getting a fair shake, they tend to deliver higher work rates and respond better to their bosses. Also, it is said that mentoring can reduce turnover – a higher percentage of new employees start at the bottom than move to more senior roles. By placing a mentorship with an existing leader, employees are given an example to follow and a chance to prove themselves. With the right mentoring program, your employees will feel empowered to excel at their jobs.